Developing a growth-oriented recruiting plan

Most small businesses hire people to execute current work; they don’t think about hiring people to help them grow their companies. But as small business owners, we need to hire leaders to help us grow our companies. I am always looking for people, even if I do not have a position available. I know that when I find someone, I will create a position for them.

There are three components to developing a growth-oriented recruiting plan: Prospecting, Interviewing and Hiring, and Orientation and Basic Training.  Here, we will talk about prospecting and interviewing.

Obviously, the best prospects are usually referrals.  Trust is the key, and referrals always come with an assumed level of trust.  The potential employee must trust you just as you must trust him or her.  This trust will lead to a more open interview.  Trust will allow you, as the interviewer, to get more honest answers.  I want to answer three questions during an interview (notice that I did not say I want the applicant to answer the questions):

1) Can the applicant do the job? (What is their experience and/or potential?)

2) Will the applicant do the job? (Are they motivated?)

3) Will the applicant do the job for me? (Do they fit our corporate culture?)

To get an accurate answer to #1, we must clearly define the expectations for the job.  We have to know what our company needs.  What is the job description?  This definition must be told to the potential employee during, if not before, the interview.  The key to getting accurate answers to #1 is clearly defining the job expectations.  If the answer to #1 is not positive, then #2 and #3 become irrelevant.

How do we determine motivation?  I ask about their proudest accomplishments and also about their greatest disappointments.  I can get a good idea from their past about what will motivate them in the future.  The two biggest motivators are the desire to get something or the fear of losing something.  When we uncover the answer to either of these, we know what tool to use to motivate the new employee.

I recently interviewed someone referred to us by a competitor.  After the initial interview, I asked him back for a second interview conducted jointly by two trusted employees.  I needed to know if he would fit in with our current staff.  By using existing employees to conduct a follow-up interview, I got another viewpoint about the potential employee.  Do they want to work with him?  Are they willing to work with him to help him succeed?

—Bill Evans, president, Evans Glass Co., Nashville 

Are You a Leader? (Part 2)

Daylight Savings Time begins March 13th.  Hallelujah!  Attitudes change with the clock change.  Everyone becomes calmer and friendlier.  Most people can be led easily during this period.  How can leaders take advantage of this to mold others and their companies?

My trainer constantly reminds me to stretch after running.  He says it’s the best time to stretch because your body is poised to benefit.  Stretching will help prevent injuries but also strengthen. I understand, but the fact is that I hate to stretch.  I have little free time and, after a run, I am hurrying to accomplish the next item on my TO-Do-List.  The fact that I have many things to do does not lessen the importance of stretching.

During winter our habits change.  Some people leave work earlier; some choose not to make a call until tomorrow; some sleep more.  As we emerge from our winter hibernation our habits need stretching.  Be aware that employees will not want to change (stretch).  They will resist it because most do not like change.  Their resistance is similar to my dislike for stretching after a run.  As leaders we must teach others how to change (stretch) their habits.

Also, most of your competition is resistant to change. You will create a competitive advantage when you use this time to stretch.  In a race there are only a few strategic places where you can pass your competition.  You may not know beforehand where these places may be.  What is most important is to be alert to recognize the opportunities as they occur.  Now is the time!

The best leadership is by example.  My father taught me not to ask your employees to do something you are not willing to do.  At Evans Glass Company I make it a point of calling on new potential customers weekly, calling to collect a past due account from a “problem” customer, developing relationships with new suppliers, and generally doing things that may be uncomfortable initially.  Leaders are willing to do the uncomfortable things until they become comfortable.  As others see what we do, they will quickly lose their resistance to change (stretching).  When you stretch you grow (and your company grows).

Are you a leader?

Are You A Leader?

January and February are naturally depressing. The holidays are over; it’s cold; our cars are dirty; everything is a shade of gray; work is scarce; days are short. Forget business, negative media, competition, the economy, health care and rising gas prices. This time of year stinks (and “stinks” is not my word of choice).

It reminds me of the hills I encounter when I run. How I deal with hills can impact the quality of the race. How we deal with January and February can impact the rest of the year. At my company, I encourage people to search for positive news to report during our weekly office meetings. We encourage each other to look to the future (warm weather, lots of work, cookouts) and quit focusing on our present conditions. It’s all about our attitude. When encountering a hill or obstacle, our attitude is the main propellant that gets us over it.

When encountering a hill, some people stop. Some look for a way to go around it. Some slow their pace to conserve energy. Some keep a steady pace. Some attack it.

Personally, I love hills! My wife and I often run together. We have watches that tell us our pace, distance, calories burned, etc. We always encounter several hills during each run. I initially believed that she would slow her pace at each hill because I would beat her to the top. After several runs, I questioned her about slowing her pace. She showed me, using the data stored in her watch, that her pace had been consistent. She examined my watch and noticed that my pace increased during most ascents.

Both of us get to the top of each hill, but differently. Neither one of us, however, stops or looks for a way around it or slows down. My wife is steady. She leans into the hill, but controls her pace. I also lean into the hill, but I accelerate. I want to conquer that obstacle as quickly as possible. I know I will be fatigued at the top, but it feels good to know it’s behind me.

Those people that stop, slow down, or waste time trying to circumnavigate the hill will be left behind. Those that maintain a steady pace or accelerate through the hill will lead.

Are you a leader?

—Bill Evans, president, Evans Glass Co., Nashville 


I attended and graduated from Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tenn. (Both the school and the city probably prefer not to be associated with me.)  I needed 6 quarter hours (two classes) to graduate at the end of spring quarter 1977.  It was the ’70s, and everyone that knew me then said I had a good time. (I’m glad they remember, because I don’t.)

One of my classes was Marriage and Family Relations. I attended the first class and didn’t go back. By the way, I’ve been married 33 years, so I don’t think I needed to attend any more classes.

My other class was accounting theory. I have always thought this to be a nonsensical class because accountants do not work in theory. They use actual numbers to determine costs, profits, losses, depreciation, etc.

I went into the final exam with an average so low that if I got 100 percent, I could not raise my grade high enough to pass. As the professor instructed us to begin, I turned the paper over and wrote on the front, “Dr. Waters: If you pass me, I promise I’ll never practice accounting. Bill Evans”.  I got up, handed him the exam and left.

Did I take a risk?

—Bill Evans, president, Evans Glass Co., Nashville

Giving back to the community

Evans Glass Company

Evans Glass Company, based in Nashville, TN is doing their part to give back to the community by volunteering their time and contributing to supplies. The company donated all of the glass for the doors and door frames of the new building and sent two employees to come out to The Nashville Build and volunteer their time.

Employees Joey Ferrell and Denney Popp, seen above, are putting their skills to work and assisting with the build in any way they can.

“It’s a great experience to be here,” says Popp, “It’s amazing to watch it on TV, but being here and seeing it all come together and to be a part of it all is so exciting.”

Ferrell and Popp are working hard and look forward to seeing the final results of the build coming together.